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Satirical Sketches by David Ramms

David Ramms

David Ramms is an animal rights activist, notably active on YouTube; hosting online debates, animal rights news and creating comedy sketches.

27th October 2021

22nd September 2021

8th September 2021

11th August 2021

This satirical sketch highlights flawed reactions to veganism by transposing the ethical argument against fast fashion; a more popular cause compared to animal rights. Nonsensical arguments of eating more meat in reaction to someone asking that person to stop contributing to animal exploitation, are mirrored by them buying more fast fashion to counter being encouraged to buy second-hand, sustainable fashion choices. By comparing ethical arguments, David highlights illogical and dramatic reactions to a sound ethical suggestion.

14th July 2021

This sketch tackles the regular question posed by animal rights activists 'can you love animals and eat them'. A conversation between friends turns into discussion around rationale and cognitive dissonance. The reaction of the animal eater (and lover) reacts irrationally to being challenged on their choice to love and eat non-humans. They are left with a decision to stop loving animals, or stop eating animals; to avoid contradicting their beliefs with their actions.

30th June 2021

David parodies the popular vlog format of 30 day challenges, with a focus on his character trying to not be 'a selfish piece of shit' by being vegan. The sketch explores the anthropocentric perspective of being vegan, and not being vegan, for their human selves - with little regard for the non-human animals, who are the main victims in the animal product system. The slow realisation and change of the character to being more compassionate, spells out the reasons why many people turn to veganism, or being vegan become advocates for animal rights.

16th Jun 2021

This sketch mirrors the arguments against veganism, and animal rights, with women's rights. Framing the main antagonist as a proud feminist, exposes his hypocrisy in repeating arguments against animal rights, that are shown to be uncannily similar to famous quotes about women and how they should not have equal rights to men. By pairing these two topics the sketch puts the audience in a situation where they have to side with the anti-feminist style arguments, siding with the hypocrite, or admit to the hypocrisy on display. The video also highlights that the rights of minorities change, so the argument of 'we have always eaten meat, so it's okay to still do so' is a moot point, when the statement 'women have never had rights, so they don't need them now' would have been used prior women being granted voting rights etc - yet that statement now is clearly misogynistic, morally inexcusable and dated.

26th May 2021

David parodies the famous inspiration TED Talk format, with a celebration of flawed anti-vegan arguments. By highlighting these arguments in this form, David draws the absurdity of anti-vegan points of view. With an enthusiastic audience applauding him for avoiding 'basic moral decency', this satirical take points to the majority of people who use the same arguments against veganism and against stopping non-human animal exploitation. David is an animal rights videographer, photographer, content creator and public speaker.

He runs animal rights social media channels on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.

5th May 2021

David Ramms highlights the frustration of arguing for animal rights in this new sketch about dairy. Acting as the representative for cows David gives extensive, thoughtful arguments of why not to consumer dairy, with the main issue is the treatment of the cows raised for dairy. The defendant of consuming dairy replies with simple, selfish reason's to continue to drink milk and eat cheese, saying 'it tastes nice' and we've 'always consumed these products'. The judge agrees with the cow representative on their points, yet sides with the shallow arguments put forward by the pro-milk figure. This points to the disregard the majority of the population had for the valid and extensive arguments against consuming dairy products, all because of taste, and because 'everyone else does it'.

21st April 2021

This satirical sketch, points to the absurdity of hunting and the arguments against veganism, in favour of hunting for food, as 'natural way'. David is filmed on his first 'hunt', where he eventually captures a bunch of bananas. He holds the bunch like a typical proud picture, usually posted by hunters celebrating their animal kill. The absurdity of a vegan hunter nods to the absurdity of killing animals for pleasure.

27th Nov 2020

In a comedic critique on the marketing of animal products David Ramms performs an imagined board room meeting of the 'egg board'. He plays different characters from the organisation, deciding the best way to market eggs in their branding. Characters take it turns to share their ideas, such as lie about the animal welfare issues, or a manufacture health benefits of eating eggs. These suggestions are brushed aside as already done, with consumers beginning to see through the smoke and mirrors. 'Steve' provides the solution with adverts that do not address the issues of animal exploitation and health implications, by using frivolous narrative around gift giving. This is celebrated, apart from 'Jimmy' who openly criticizes these attempts as hiding the sad truths of the egg industry.

20th Oct 2020

Vegan activists David Rams & Lifting Vegan Logic, highlight the many publicised, flawed arguments against veganism in this comic sketch. The scenario mirrors a typical vegan outreach conversation, with a pro-meat activist making their points in a seemingly convincing way, even though the arguments themselves are clearly framed to sound absurd. The vegan on the other side of the conversation finds themselves agreeing with the pro-meat arguments. This blind acceptance highlights the frustration vegan activists hold around the passive acceptance of meat eating, while using lackluster excuses to maintain the meat eating habbit.

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